
Review: Reader Views

Rainbow Over Hell has received a glowing review from Reader Views.

"Translator Sharon Fujimoto-Johnson succeeds beautifully in bringing the well-loved Japanese book Rainbow over Hell to the English-speaking world. This touching true story is both timeless and meaningful, regardless of race or religion as it tackles hatred, suffering, betrayal, despair, and ultimately, forgiveness and peace."

"Award-winning author Tsuneyuki Mohri and translator Sharon Fujimoto-Johnson shine as they team up to release Rainbow over Hell in English."

In addition to being posted on Reader Views, the full review appears on Amazon.com as the third four-star review for Rainbow Over Hell.


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At 5:34 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I read this book and feel it is the strongest biography that I have read both of interest and have felt a change in my life and put me on the level of feeling a power in my life. Although already having been a Christian in the past. I feel already it has had a deep impact on my life.

Floyd Hiebert
Tennessee, United States of America



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